I have been annoyed into writing another post due to the fact that I have one devoted reader who cannot go on without my literary genius. The reason for my lack of updates is lack of topics worth making an international note of. However, I will look at this not as a post of the recent past, but of the recent future. Tomorrow concludes yet another semester of university life and x-mas break will start. It will be a much needed break from Charleston, IL. I will be visiting both ends of the social spectrum in the next week. Right now I sit in an apartment in Charleston, IL population 12,000 during school months (pop. during summer months: 1,000). Mostly farm country and the meth capital of the U.S. Next Tuesday traveling will commence and three great friends of mine and I will enbark on a road trip to the north east and visit NYC population 8 million. There is a good chance that there will be more guests at the hotel we stay at than the entire town that I call home right now. I promise that once I return from NYC there will not only be plenty to write about, but plenty of pictures to show you, as if you won't have already seen them kyle. Until next time, i bid you adieu.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
We are all atheists to the majority of the gods society has created, some of us just go one god further.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
1:59 PM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Turkey Break
Its turkey break here in my life. whoops, just hit the eject button on my brothers laptop. I mention this everytime I'm home and using this, but I really need to get a laptop sooner rather than later. I have no desire to own a desktop anymore. I really don't have a desire to own a PC anymore either. I use this Mac and it makes the desire to own one increase greatly. ok, less redundancy. I was at Best Buy the other day and I wanted to buy a new CD. I always think of CD's that I want to get, but of course when i walk in the store my mind goes completly blank and I can't think of a single cd that i would like to own. but then it strikes, in a moment of clarity, i think of one. The Mountaingoats. i hear good things and have checked some things out about them online and all is well. well to no ones suprise i cannot find it on the shelf, but i being the optimist that I am chalk it up to me not looking hard enough. its at this point that i notice that I have set the record for being in a best buy for more than 5 minutes without a single person coming up to you and asking you four times if there is anything they can help you find. the one time i would like someone to approach me, to no avail, i am left alone. finally someone sees that I am walking in a circle with an obvious confused look on my face and they offer to help. They check the computer after a strange glance when i tell them the name of the band I was looking for. they do carry the cd, however they are sold out. I don't know what I did to deserve that, but I was pretty dissapointed. i had to go back to the radio or the decemberists cd, which while great, makes me sick to here it due to the fact that I have listened to it non-stop for the past 3-4 weeks.
I'm getting excited for a big homecooked feast on thursday, i dont know about the rest of you, but it should be a good time. anytime you can get lots of good FREE food from people its got to be a good day.
I am very excited to get my traveling off and running in about one month. I think that rich people travel boring. I think that they should make it more exciting and stay in a mediocre hotel that they no nothing about, and have a very strict spending limit. I don't know if i truly believe that this will make their traveling experience more exciting or if it is just a way for me to justify the fact that we will be going to NYC on very little funds. if you would like to know how little, there will be a cooler involved with lunch meat and bread. does that do it for ya? GOOD! and no broadway shows. which doesn't really upset me as much as one might think. now don't get me wrong, i want to see a broadway show as much as the next bloke, but i am very confident that this will not be my final tour of NYC. hell, you never know, i could live there..... HELL! I might be in a broadway play someday. you keep laughing. i will leave you in the words of Ben Marcotte, 3 P's and a V, love ya to pieces.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
12:34 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Just good Fundamentals
You better watch out for this guy on the football field. Hopefully he doesn't play I-M football here @ EIU.
Well the NYC trip is pretty much set in stone now that we have reservations at the New Yorker for 3 nights. I am very excited to kick off my abundant travel throughout the better part of my twenties and throughout the rest of my life. I figure since I have not been on many vacations or trips I have some making up to do. I have another trip to Las Vegas planned for a few days in June to see my cousin Kevin get married. Not to be a "downer" but I'm a lot more excited to go to NYC than Vegas, but I am very excited to be in Vegas with a lot of my family members. I don't think Vegas is somewhere I would go on my own, or my own money for that matter. It should be a pretty good family vacation #2.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
3:24 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Can I get a puff of smoke with that?
Firstly, A gloomy day here in Charleston and for some reason I think I like it. The cold grey skies contrast the bright warm autumn leaves. I don't know if it is because the weeks are flying by or I am just crazy, but it seems as if autumn and the changing of the leaves is going way too fast. I awoke this morning to the majority of the leaves falling off of the trees. I think that autumn is making a pretty strong case for best season. Summer is pretty hot, winter is pretty cold, spring would be the normal front runner however, when spring rolls around I am so sick of the cold that I want it to be summer right away. Spring doesn't understand that and will randomly throw in a giant snow storm in the middle of March. NO ONE wants snow once march rolls around and nasty mother nature has teased us all with a 70 degree weekend once. Autumn doesn't lie to you like that. You know the cold is on its way, and there is no suprise there. I am also sick of the heat right now, and when is the last time in the middle of October that it has been uncomfortably hot out? I don't remember any such instances.
In closing, go Autumn and powerwriting
I decided after writing that last line that I would throw it back to the writing techniques that they taught us in grade school that were considered the worst writing style EVER!
Posted by
Adam Simmons
3:32 PM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
You're right, he probably didn't do steroids
I was a little bored and thought I would compare one of my favorite players pictures from early in his career to the post steroid era. Most people realize after a few years in the league that they are way to strong for their own good and they should cut back on the working out. That must have been what he was thinking. Texas is then, Tigers is now.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
6:16 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Concerts and Tennis
The weekend was as pleasant as expected. Although the "Of Montreal" show was very dissapointing. I don't know why a band that is as musically talented puts up with awful sound. It sounded like they were trying to impress someone with how loud they could play. Everything was turned up far too loud. After too many PBRs and only two OM songs I decided to exit the venue. I ended up walking around Champaign alone for a while at around 1 or 2 in the morning.
On a much more positive note. The City on Film show at the Iron horse was amazing. Bob Nana does not dissapoint. I even had a little chat with him before his set and we had a nice toast to drinking Lienes. Pretty cool guy if I do say so myself. Its too bad that I was never able to see a Hey Mercedes show. I bought a t-shirt, but it seems to be way too small. So michelle has probably inherited a nice black t-shirt.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
6:51 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Oh, the cold
Well the school year continues to roll on uneventfully yet again. The Bears are playing great and that makes me excited for Sundays. The weather is very chilly today, and I think I like it. The cold really gives my life a good ole college feel. The air just seems more crisp. This week is a tough one with a test I took on Monday, a test on Thursday that will be really tough, and another difficult test on Friday. Good thing I have a great weekend with my good buddy Kyle planned this weekend. Friday night we are going to see The City on Film (Bob Nanna, formerly of Hey Mercedes) and as of right now Saturday should be another great night with Owen and Of Montreal. I think the only thing that could make this weekend better concert wise would be to throw in a little The Format. Hopefully there will be some new pictures either on here or on facebook.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
6:53 PM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Crazy Maybe Lezzy
I feel I must share the tail of my Human Disease professor with all of you. I know that most have heard the story and I appologize for being redundant. However, there are many who have not.
She is a shorter woman maybe 40 years old with a crew cut with a nice salt and pepper hue. Appears to be a normal build at first, until you make your way down the torso and realize she is hiding a innertube in her waistband. The sarcastic smurk on her face cannot be mistaken as she leans against the lab table in the front of the classroom. At first you don't know how to take her as you try and decide the difficulty of the class based purely on the apperance of the instructor... (simply put, she is short, round, and has a lil' lezzy look to her).
So the other day during this class she is talking about AIDS and the whole sharing needles thing. She goes off on a tangent about coke-heads using a new technique called "jacking-off." They put the cocaine into a syringe and pull blood from their body filling the syringe and mixing the blood and cocaine. They promptly inject the mixture back into the body enhancing the already potent high of cocaine. Everyone reacts appropriately with the standard, "ooooooooooo" or "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkk." (with a sigh mixed in) One kid however looks a little deeper into and promptly asks, "Oh yea, how do you know?" With a quick tilt of the head and a witty giggle she says with (no sarcasm at all), "I actually have done it about 200 times. (rolls up her sleeves) You see, I don't want to show you guys my track lines, so I usually shoot up in the crack of my ass... or between my toes." Every immediately laughs uncontrollably until she continues. "You should see how I put a tampon in..." laughter quickly seizes and a soft, ughhhhhhhh comes over the class. "It involves jumping off a building!" The laughter is completly gone at this point and I just begin to pack up my stuff, because I have officially checked out of paying attention to this lady today.
I had a conversation with Mr. O'Connor the other day about a similar situation, yet more generalized. I don't know what it is about instructors swearing. I know I should be used to it, because I have had numerous swearing instructors each semester. Everytime though it gets me, just makes me want to giggle like its the first time I have ever heard that word in my life. Now, if I could only get one of them to use the word "clusterfuck" in a sentence, it would make college all worth while.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
11:32 PM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Right Guy To Fuck With Identified
I'm sure that some of you will find this boring and dry however, I know at least a couple people who will find it rather humerous. Hopefully something exciting or funny will happen to me and I will be able to write something original instead of putting up creative and funny things written by people armed with far more wit than I.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
12:55 AM
Monday, September 04, 2006
Here We Go Again
To all of you who are laughing right now, its not the same this time. I have been trying to post on my other blog. However, I cannot seem to remember my password or the e-mail address that I used. I was automatically signed in for the majority of the time and then once I moved to school it forgot my information, hence no posts for sometime. I have been trying to remember and try all sorts of different names and e-mail addresses just so I wouldn't have to deal with the shit that I will inevitably recieve for starting yet another blog. Yet, if you want to know what is going on in my life you can deal with the transisiton.
I bid you farewell for now.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
1:26 PM