Ok 2007 wrap up... lets see, watched the Bears blow the super bowl, spent the rest of that night in a Hospital, became single, finished two more semesters of college (that makes 9), went to Los Angeles for the first time, watched the cubs win the division and totally choke in the playoffs, watched Illinois football play very well, watched the bears play awful (more on that in a second) had some friends move away, a couple more are on their way out soon, made a bunch of new friends, drank too much, had a lot of fun, turned 23 and bought this sweet computer..
2007 wasn't all a bad year.
More about those Bears. Where the hell has this been all season. The defense finally decides to play with some enthusiasm... even though they can't stop the run to save their life. Ron Turner finally decides that Mark Bradley is allowed to play and that maybe they should see if Devin Hester is still fast when he lines up as a reciever. They even had a little fun and allowed Adrian Peterson to throw the ball, which worked to perfection. Kyle Orton, while maybe not the starter that everyone is looking for, he sure does win a lot of games he starts, 12 or 18 actually. I would still like to see more passes thrown the Greg Olsen... he was your first round pick for a reason... use him!
More on Kyle Orton. Its bad that it seems foreign to me to see a quarterback on the sidelines looking at pictures of schemes and defenses in between series. Rex Grossman usually just sat on the bench or dicked around with people on the sidelines. Could that be why he looked like he didn't have a clue sometimes? Even if Orton doesn't have a clue all the times, at least he is making people think that he cares and does a little work during the game. Thinking of a pretty good quarterback who does quite a bit of in game studying, Peyton Manning. I'm pretty sure anything you can do as a quarterback to be more like him is a good idea. It was asked during a post game show today, "What should be the Bears number one priority this off-season?" That is easy, PAY DONAVON MCNABB WHATEVER AMOUNT OF MONEY HE WANTS!!!! If they had to not re-sign Briggs to bring in McNabb, I'm all for it. Sorry Lance, great football player but this franchise needs a QB more than it needs a LB.
That will end my rant on the Bears for now, it was an entertaining season, even though a huge let down. I'll bitch more after the draft I'm sure.
Speaking of bitching, Illinois men's basketball lost to Tennessee State tonight, that is it, Bruce Weber should be out! I'm glad you took over with your predecessor's players and did well. You are someone who can coach good players. It's getting those good players to commit to play for you, no sorry scratch that, keep the ones that are committed to play for you until they actually play for you (read: Eric Gordon)
Happy New Year Everyone! Might as well just say it, everyone else in the world already is, Let's Make 2008 Grrrrrrrrrreat! -Tony the Tiger.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Last Post of 2007!
Posted by
Adam Simmons
3:13 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Called IT!
For the last few years I have been saying that the only reason Mark Prior doesn't pitch on a regular basis for the Cubs is that he absolutely hates the cold weather in the spring and fall. He will be at spring training in Arizona and even make some minor league appearances in warm weather games. He has been sitting and waiting for the Cubs to leave him alone so that he can get back to California. How does someone with perfect mechanics and "stuff" like that in college and in his first year, all of a sudden become completely useless and "injured" but no doctors can find anything wrong with him until this year. Once he became a free agent he didn't last very long signing a small short term deal with San Diego. Being the Cub's fan that I am, I would like nothing more than to destroy Prior this year. If I had to guess I would say that he will come back from this surgery quicker than expected, (due to hard work and diligent rehab work). I guess we will have to see, but don't be surprised if Prior returns to the form that he showed in 2003 when he lead a Cubs staff to the NLCS and one win away from the World Series in far too long.
On a college football note, USC vs. Illinois might be a little more interesting for Illinois fans than most "experts" are predicting. Even if the Illini do get blown out. A student organization that supports Chief Illniwek say that the recent decrease in public activity is on purpose and they are laying low for a "big push." I'm sure there are going to be all kinds of kids and alumni in bright orange shirts with "CHIEF" printed on their chest. I am a big Illinois fan and would like nothing better than for Illinois to show that the young talent they have is legit and upset the "Best Team Ever"
I'm going to post my actual picks for all the BCS bowl games soon.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
5:23 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
X-Mas Break
Home for Christmas break has been really long and it has only been just over a week. It should pick up however, though. People are coming in from out of town and there will be some good family time to be had. This last week may have been the most boring in a while. Although VH1 is really helping me out. Top 100 songs of the 90s makes me not only feel old but also brings back awkward memories from grade school and before. It's weird how a song can make you think of one specific place or time. I'm probably going to attempt to download all of them and make a sweet play list. I told you it has been a boring week.
I'm pretty sick of this snow and cold weather already. I really think I live in the wrong region of this country. I really can't stand the snow, I don't even like sledding unless there is a good amount of booze involved.
Looking forward a little bit... one semester left of undergrad and I couldn't be more excited to be done. While I might do graduate school for a year and a half to get a masters I will not be forced to take classes that I just didn't get around to taking three years ago. I remember when there was a time in college when my friends and I talked about how you couldn't tell who was a freshman and who was a senior. Oh, how times have changed. People are dumb! Ok, I'm done bitching about dumb people who will probably be more successful than me, because that is how things work.
Juno should be in all cities, because I really really really want to see that. Ok, seriously, thats the last thing I'm going to say.
Or is it?
Posted by
Adam Simmons
10:28 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Los Angeles, I'm Yours
Seriously, how do I go to a city like Los Angeles for the first time in my life and get 2 pictures worth posting. They are barely worth posting.
It also took forever for me to put up two pictures of the trip. I would like to thank one Mr. O'Connor for the hospitality and also Matt and Jenna for the same. It was also good to meet up with family, good to see you Brian. Good times watching the Bears suck. More good times just around the corner I assume. I'll be back in the spring if all goes well, so prepare. Not really, because what you even do?
Margot and the Nukes, NYE in Chicago, I"M PUMPED!
Posted by
Adam Simmons
9:45 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Music Week
This week has been a very good music week for me. I have picked up two new albums on ITunes, Band of Horses-Cease to Begin which I'm currently listening to. I don't know what it is about those guys, but they just seem to make me feel good about things. That might be weird seeing as most of their songs I'm pretty sure derive from sad/unhappy things. (not positive about that statement however) The next album I was pretty pumped to pick up was Jimmy Eat World's new one Chase the Light. It's been a while since I've listened to much JEW. I was not a fan of Futures, so there was a lapse in my paying much attention to them. The day before my birthday Saves the Day has a new one hittin' stores! Happy Birthday to me! The best birthday gift would be for them to put out an album that would rival Stay What You Are. GOOD LUCK, only the greatest album ever.
Everything else this week.... Not as cool. Yesterday was a day from hell as I had 4 classes, one of which I had an exam, then I had to meet with an academic advisor to register for my last semester of classes, (ITS ABOUT TIME) and then I had to be to work at 3:30, and was there until just after midnight. It's homecoming week here at EIU, which means nothing to me. At least not until this weekend, when it means we have a reason to start drinking at 8 am as the bars open and some good friends will be visiting. During the week though, nothing. The only thing that changes is the "Fratbags" (its a frat guy/douche-bag hybrid) are even more fired up about nothing.
*Reminder to myself - Get a pair of Bicep Bands before I do anything active!
Finding that link upset me, and to think that people actually go to a store and spend money on things like that makes me furious. I can't even write anymore. Bicep Bands... ugh....
These are some random pics that I just found on my cell phone and thought I would share them with you... enjoy
This first one shows the kind of town that I go to school in. Bathroom of a bar, with a blackboard, which by the way had no chalk that I could see. Cars in circles, still no idea how that's entertaining.
This next one is from this summer when my parents and I were playing golf and as my dad was trying to tee off a random cat came out of no where and decided that my father has played enough golf today. *The cat was immediately destroyed*
Posted by
Adam Simmons
5:21 PM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Something out of the "Giant World" from the original Super Mario Bros.
What exists on this planet that requires a tire this large? I have been trying to come up with ideas for about 3 days now, and I can't think of anything. If you have any ideas I would be delighted to hear them. I hope this doesn't bother you as much as it bothers me.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
3:15 PM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
It is final. I have officially purchased my plane tickets to L.A. It has been brought to my attention that the majority of the traveling I have done in my life is directly correlated to one Mr. O'Connor. November 16-19 shall be a fine weekend. I hope it's brutally cold when I leave Illinois so that I enjoy getting out of here even more than I already will. (There has to be a better way to word that statement, but I couldn't come up with it) Well since the last post I joined the masses and became hooked on The Office. I watched the first two seasons on my roomates DVDs then I purchased the 3rd season via Itunes. I had heard that it was a funny show, but how funny could it really be, right? WRONG! I can't get enough. They also throw in a really interesting love story that I find rather interesting.
I also need to buckle down on finding a Halloween costume. It's been forever since I've dressed up. I haven't really put much thought into it yet, but I think this weekend at home will give me a chance to look over some ideas online and at some local shops... (target and factory card outlet)
If anyone has anything they think I should do while in L.A. feel free to share. I'm pretty sure the two people that read this live there, so ideas are welcomed & encouraged. Also a good bar or 12 to visit would be nice. I will be in Irvine for most of the trip but I'm sure there will be a visit closer to "Downtown." I'm not yet familiar with the city of angeles so I really have no idea where things are in relation to where I will be.
Last thought, Cubs are down 0-1 in the series right now, but have faith. (I don't know why we should have faith, but it seems like the right thing to say) Stupid Cubs...
Posted by
Adam Simmons
10:59 AM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Random Thought
What if religion was like Santa Clause and The Easter Bunny, when you turn a certain age the Vatican will tell you that its all a hoax and it was just for fun and to occupy your time and thoughts to make life a little more interesting....
Saw Margot and the Nuclear So and So's Friday night at the Canopy Club. Six bands $12! Can't beat it! I was really impressed with them. I was not impressed once again with the sound quality at the Canopy Club, however. Last year when I saw Of Montreal there I was thinking the same thing, but I chalked that up to me hanging out near the bar on $1 PBR night...
Go Cubs Go!
Posted by
Adam Simmons
6:42 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
11 to your 7
The free Hey Mercedes show took place last night, and sadly, I could not attend. Being three hours away from Chicago is not conductive to me seeing good shows. I wasn’t able to see Hey Mercedes while they were still touring and that is one of my biggest musical regrets. This was a perfect opportunity to see them at the Threadless store grand opening. I had plans to drive up to the Metro right after class and sit there all day in hopes of getting into said free show. Turns out the only way to get in was to be at the actual grand opening of the store on a Monday or Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. downtown. Even going there and getting a pass does not guarantee entrance to the show. I’m still bummed about this whole situation. Hopefully Friday will make up for the missed show. The Canopy Club and The Pygmalion Music Festival are calling my name, specifically Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s. I haven’t been to a show since I saw The Decemberists at Millennium Park in July. Pygmalion has some pretty large shoes to fill if it wants to keep up with The Decemberists with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra during a thunderstorm!
Three nights ago I spent the 2-3 hours I had set aside to study for a test, downloading music off the list that Bekah left me. I know spend most of my time listening to all of the great stuff that I hadn’t been exposed to. (i.e. Band of Horses, Under the Influence of Giants, A Fine Frenzy) I find myself smiling while listening to a song called “The Funeral” by Band of Horses. I’m not sure what that means? Check them out if you haven’t already.
While discussing metabolic syndrome and ways to assess risk of chronic disease through body composition in class yesterday I thought of an experiment or study I would like to look into. I’m mostly writing this to make sure that I remember it, and if I put things down in words they tend to make more sense to me. I will be able to tell if I really have no idea what I’m talking about then. A recent study looked at Waist Circumference (WC) and WC relative to height and overall fat mass (%FM) to determine risk for chronic disease. The results were somewhat inconclusive in that, there was not a definitive winner, although WC seemed to show some potential to be an effective/inexpensive technique. It seems somewhat obvious to me, but I haven’t heard or read anything looking a ratio of WC and %FM. An abundance of overall fat mass has its risks, but abdominal fat brings so many more risk factors into play. By taking a %FM and a WC one would get a better idea of the location of the fat by looking at statistics and being able to determine the specific risks the subject is facing.
That ended abruptly, but I have lost my train of thought and need to look into this more. This is just a basic idea that I thought I would share. If it makes any sense at all, let me know. If it doesn’t make any sense than definitely tell me, so I can never mention it again.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
10:24 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Due to extenuating circumstances
Alright so the circumstances were not so extenuating and I became lax in the completion of prior noted summer plans. I did work all the time, however, I did not make “MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY.” I worked out pretty frequently… to no real outcome, I got as far as putting my keyboard on the stand in my room and I really didn’t have legitimate plans to road trip to the Gulf.
I do have a legitimate excuse for not blogging this summer, however. I purchased a new MacBook last spring and while I was at home for the summer, technical difficulties made the process of connecting to the World Wide Web more difficult than I was willing to partake. I do have plans this academic year to write more frequently, due to the fact that I do not see this semester or the next as being very demanding academically, especially when it comes to writing. Consequently, I would like my writing not to fall off or even improve as this year continues. Since talking to a certain person this weekend I have realized that my collegiate education may be somewhat of a farce and I may need to take it into my own hands and begin to run through some textbooks in my free time to even the playing field with people from other universities. I might be mistaken, and be learning everything I need to know to land a quality job, but I still have my doubts. Not too mention, it wouldn’t hurt to further my knowledge in my field or a related one.
As I said, I hope to keep this more updated, and with my schedule I’m sure it won’t be too much of a problem. I have a few ideas for topics already. That is my main problem with keeping up with this blog. I NEED IDEAS! My mind has been racing lately though, so it might not be a problem for a while. Lets hope so.
P.s. Go Cubs! Go Bears.
Kyle, congrats on knocking out those summer plans. If I was only as dedicated as you are.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
3:59 PM
Monday, April 23, 2007
Summer Plans
1. Work All the Time to MAKE MONEY MONEY MONEY
2. Work out All the Time
3. Learn to Play the Piano, for real... what the hell else do i have to do this summer?
4. Road trip to the Gulf of Mexico
Posted by
Adam Simmons
4:53 PM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
New Computer
Well I now have a computer that will not screw up half way through a post or freeze for no reason. This is the first post on my new macbook, which I love so much. This should be good motivation to post more, maybe if I had something to post about I would do it a little more often. School is rapidly approaching its end, and it can't come soon enough. I love the people here and I will miss some more than others, but I need some money so this summer job thing, as embarassing as it is, will be nice to have. I will be working at Jimmy John's in Bourbonnais this summer, for the last time I swear! Hopefully I can get some job shadowing thing at a hospital now that I have a paying job somewhere else.
If anyone wants to go on a roadtrip or something or is moving away and wants a visitor this summer, I'm sure I will be free for a couple days and I will be more than willing to swing by your place. I really want to go a few places this summer, nothing too spectacular or expensive, just somewhere I have never been. St. Louis is probably on the list, why? because I have never been there, and its so close. Maybe catch a baseball game, who knows. Anyway, I'm going to hopefully try to make a video post sometime in the near future. that probably won't be the most awkward thing to watch EVER! I hope it makes you all uncomfortable.
Word of advice: Listen to Mitch Hedberg more than you currently do. (R.I.P.)
Posted by
Adam Simmons
10:51 AM
Monday, March 12, 2007
This weekend was suprisingly entertaining due to the wonderful hospitality of my dear cousin Bo. I was awoken early Saturday morning to my mom telling me how Bo said that I should come up this weekend and go to this irish party with him on Sunday, because he has a few days off and he needs to know ASAP because we have to make reservations to get into this party. So not being one to pass up a party in Chicago, especially seeing as I didn't have a thing to do on the first couple of days of spring break. I kicked off the weekend by visiting the family up in Romeoville for an afternoon of eating and drinking while watching the Illini crumble in the face of a much better Wisconsin team. After family time was over I jumped on the train to Chicago where I met up with Bo and a couple of his buddies who were just as hospitable. We swung by a little pub to chat and warm up for the long day of drinking that awaited us the next day. After a rather impressive bar tab was conjured and the complimentary shots of jameson were in out bellies we decided its now time to call it an early night. the 7 am wake up call was not going to be greated with a smile if we were to stay out much longer. Once 7 am rolled around we were excited to get going, the goal was to be waiting at the bar at 8:45 so we could get a table and get all the party favors that we could. We are not sure if we did something wrong in the passed days or if we should chalk it up to plain bad luck, but we did not make it to the bar as smoothly as we would have liked. As we are in the middle of a transfer from blue line to red line spaulding realizes that she forgot her I.D. and needs to run back to the apt. to get it, but the reservations we had were in under her name. She said she would just jump in a cab and probably beat us there since we had a little bit of a train ride to the north side. We catch the redline train north and we sit there.... and sit there..... and sit there. An announcement states there is a delay and that they appreciate out patience. We are not very appreciative of their appreciation and after about 5 min. which Bo was convinced was more like 25 we all leave and hop in a cab as well. Having only 3 hours at this bar until they start charging us for drinks we needed to hurry to get as much open bar time as we could. Once we arrived, the madness began. 2 and a half hours of "free" jameson and cokes which i wonderfully lost track of later... i was in a rather blurred and happy mood. I called kyle soon after and he somehow knew exactly what I was up to, apparently I had called him earlier and talked for sometime. I, however, do not remember this at all. After we overstayed our welcome at that bar we went back to Bo and Becca's apt. for a wonderful spring drink-a-thon. As we all enjoy the weather and the suds a few of the guys decide to get mohawks and soon there after the cops show up. We were being a little loud and the old people surrounding us did not approve. They just said to keep it down a little and they just have to show up when called, it was really no big deal. Passed out at 7:00.
Overall a weekend that I will not soon forget. I thank everyone who was hospitable this weekend and thanks to all the people I met this weekend who made it so enjoyable.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
5:40 PM
Labels: great time
Friday, March 09, 2007
I'm Impressed
I know this is kind of a weak way to post but I can't sleep and think that anyone who reads this should take a look at this kids video. He says that this was not nearly as difficult as it seems and it only took him a day. I need to thank one, Adam LaGesse and his myspace page for bringing this video to my attention. Oh, and Michelle because she is the one who showed me his myspace page, and possibly this video, alright enough with this run on sentence connected by a bunch of commas, seriously.
Quick Edit: Originally there was only one video, but after looking a little bit i found another, this kid impresses me. Be sure to check them out. (Quick Edit #2: This first video is really good too, kind of an intro into the videos that you will hopefully watch after this one,)
Posted by
Adam Simmons
12:17 AM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
You can pretty much not even watch baseball now.
I figure there is no better way to make my comeback to blogging than by giving you my 2nd annual picks for the upcoming baseball season. I will not go so in depth this season so I don't screw myself on small meaningless picks... beacuse the other ones have a meaning. Here goes....
American League:
East: Toronto Blue Jays. No explaination needed.
Central: (Toughest Division in Baseball) Cleveland Indians
West: Angels (wherever the hell they are from)
National League:
East: New York Mets
Central: St. Louis Cardinals (or the Cubs, but I figure I pick the Cubs every year and I will change in hopes of actually winning this season.
West: San Francisco Giants
I will make more picks once the season is closer and I can assure health to some of the players that I will be putting unjustifiably high expectations on.
I can't just jump back on here and not update you all (maybe 2 people will read this) about what is going on in my life. Semester is flying by. Spring break starts on Friday and I am looking forward to eating for free for a week. I don't have any special plans for spring break, unless I make it up to Chicago to do some cousin time at some bars. Speaking of cousin time, I am getting rather excited for the scheduled Vegas trip in June. Having never been to Vegas, and most of my cousins being of age now, which is really strange to think about, it should be a heart healthy good time. Other than school zipping by there is really no new changes in my life that stand out as important. I still have that girlfriend. She is pretty cool, even though she could have killed us all with her disease. She had meningitis (viral) about a month ago. She is ok now after spending a few nights in the world famous Sarah Bush Lincoln Hospital. Hopefully I will go on a few week stretch of updating this with more meaningless, yet hopefully more hilarious tidbits of my life.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
11:18 AM