This weekend was suprisingly entertaining due to the wonderful hospitality of my dear cousin Bo. I was awoken early Saturday morning to my mom telling me how Bo said that I should come up this weekend and go to this irish party with him on Sunday, because he has a few days off and he needs to know ASAP because we have to make reservations to get into this party. So not being one to pass up a party in Chicago, especially seeing as I didn't have a thing to do on the first couple of days of spring break. I kicked off the weekend by visiting the family up in Romeoville for an afternoon of eating and drinking while watching the Illini crumble in the face of a much better Wisconsin team. After family time was over I jumped on the train to Chicago where I met up with Bo and a couple of his buddies who were just as hospitable. We swung by a little pub to chat and warm up for the long day of drinking that awaited us the next day. After a rather impressive bar tab was conjured and the complimentary shots of jameson were in out bellies we decided its now time to call it an early night. the 7 am wake up call was not going to be greated with a smile if we were to stay out much longer. Once 7 am rolled around we were excited to get going, the goal was to be waiting at the bar at 8:45 so we could get a table and get all the party favors that we could. We are not sure if we did something wrong in the passed days or if we should chalk it up to plain bad luck, but we did not make it to the bar as smoothly as we would have liked. As we are in the middle of a transfer from blue line to red line spaulding realizes that she forgot her I.D. and needs to run back to the apt. to get it, but the reservations we had were in under her name. She said she would just jump in a cab and probably beat us there since we had a little bit of a train ride to the north side. We catch the redline train north and we sit there.... and sit there..... and sit there. An announcement states there is a delay and that they appreciate out patience. We are not very appreciative of their appreciation and after about 5 min. which Bo was convinced was more like 25 we all leave and hop in a cab as well. Having only 3 hours at this bar until they start charging us for drinks we needed to hurry to get as much open bar time as we could. Once we arrived, the madness began. 2 and a half hours of "free" jameson and cokes which i wonderfully lost track of later... i was in a rather blurred and happy mood. I called kyle soon after and he somehow knew exactly what I was up to, apparently I had called him earlier and talked for sometime. I, however, do not remember this at all. After we overstayed our welcome at that bar we went back to Bo and Becca's apt. for a wonderful spring drink-a-thon. As we all enjoy the weather and the suds a few of the guys decide to get mohawks and soon there after the cops show up. We were being a little loud and the old people surrounding us did not approve. They just said to keep it down a little and they just have to show up when called, it was really no big deal. Passed out at 7:00.
Overall a weekend that I will not soon forget. I thank everyone who was hospitable this weekend and thanks to all the people I met this weekend who made it so enjoyable.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Posted by
Adam Simmons
5:40 PM
Labels: great time
Friday, March 09, 2007
I'm Impressed
I know this is kind of a weak way to post but I can't sleep and think that anyone who reads this should take a look at this kids video. He says that this was not nearly as difficult as it seems and it only took him a day. I need to thank one, Adam LaGesse and his myspace page for bringing this video to my attention. Oh, and Michelle because she is the one who showed me his myspace page, and possibly this video, alright enough with this run on sentence connected by a bunch of commas, seriously.
Quick Edit: Originally there was only one video, but after looking a little bit i found another, this kid impresses me. Be sure to check them out. (Quick Edit #2: This first video is really good too, kind of an intro into the videos that you will hopefully watch after this one,)
Posted by
Adam Simmons
12:17 AM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
You can pretty much not even watch baseball now.
I figure there is no better way to make my comeback to blogging than by giving you my 2nd annual picks for the upcoming baseball season. I will not go so in depth this season so I don't screw myself on small meaningless picks... beacuse the other ones have a meaning. Here goes....
American League:
East: Toronto Blue Jays. No explaination needed.
Central: (Toughest Division in Baseball) Cleveland Indians
West: Angels (wherever the hell they are from)
National League:
East: New York Mets
Central: St. Louis Cardinals (or the Cubs, but I figure I pick the Cubs every year and I will change in hopes of actually winning this season.
West: San Francisco Giants
I will make more picks once the season is closer and I can assure health to some of the players that I will be putting unjustifiably high expectations on.
I can't just jump back on here and not update you all (maybe 2 people will read this) about what is going on in my life. Semester is flying by. Spring break starts on Friday and I am looking forward to eating for free for a week. I don't have any special plans for spring break, unless I make it up to Chicago to do some cousin time at some bars. Speaking of cousin time, I am getting rather excited for the scheduled Vegas trip in June. Having never been to Vegas, and most of my cousins being of age now, which is really strange to think about, it should be a heart healthy good time. Other than school zipping by there is really no new changes in my life that stand out as important. I still have that girlfriend. She is pretty cool, even though she could have killed us all with her disease. She had meningitis (viral) about a month ago. She is ok now after spending a few nights in the world famous Sarah Bush Lincoln Hospital. Hopefully I will go on a few week stretch of updating this with more meaningless, yet hopefully more hilarious tidbits of my life.
Posted by
Adam Simmons
11:18 AM