Well it's about time that Brett Favre retires so that I can get to being a true Bears fan, and hate the Packers with all my heart. I have always had a general dislike for the Packers players and coaches, except Brett Favre. So I am pleased to hear that he (as of now anyway) is not going to be playing in the football anymore. Thanks Brett, now I can take some of the anger I'm bound to have this season due to the Bears being terrible, out on the Packers.

I found this story on Deadspin today. This guy is a scout for the Bo Sox and got caught being a Michael Jackson type creep!
Most people that I talk to regularly have already been bothered by this next story, but I just can't get over how much pain, one Mr. Felix Pie, must be going through. The Cubs have their fair share of pussy little injuries right now, but this injury could not be further from "a pussy injury." I know, I know, grow up.
The weather here is terrible. Sunday, I was outside grilling steaks and playing bags. I also snuck in some golf ball hitting at the driving range. All of these activities took place in shorts. It was 70 degrees out and sunny. The only downfall was the wind, but I can handle some wind when it's that warm out. Right now outside (note: only 2 days later) There is a freaking blizzard outside. There has been ice falling all day, in the form of sleet, and at other points hail. Now it's snowing, and blowing, and if this keeps up for very much longer we are going to have numerous inches of snow! I HATE ILLINOIS WEATHER!
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